NOTE: IF you are at all icky about head lice please do not read this post
Haven't posted much about the wonderful MLI lately and all the amazing things he does to make my life better.
i.e. bought me a half dozen bottle of very quaffable merlot and a fluffy white bathrobe as a housewarming present for me - in his new house. "I just want to make you feel at home baby". HELLO, the man is the HOTNESS
Digressing sorry,
So while just about everything in this relationship is fantastic and I pinch myself every day for being blessed with such a lovely partner, we do have a little dark cloud hanging over our heads.
MLI has two children from his last relationship, they are a joy and each time I see them I grow to love them more and more. But, his ex is quite a scary woman and does not like me although she has never met me as the following may demonstrate.
So I got a call from MLI yesterday..
Me - "Hi honey how are you.... (edited for discretion)
MLI - "Not good, I got a text from Dragon Lady this morning and this is what it said".
Hi. The girls have come home from yours with lice, I have washed their hair, clothes and bedding and I suggest that you do the same. IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND CLEAN?
Me - "Oh My God, she thinks that I gave them lice? Does she not think that M---- might have got them from school? What is with her?"
MLI - "Don't worry darling she just says those things to push buttons"
Naturally I have been itchy ever since this conversation and gave myself a good dousing in anti lice medication last night. I guess that this is one of the less pleasant aspects of semi/quasi/could be in the future - stepmothering.
To be honest I'm trying hard not to pry into what the ex is like or how she is with the girls. I'm human though and sometimes my competitive streak arks up.
For instance.
The other morning the girls and I were lying in bed having a snuggle and discussing cake baking. So I asked them:
"How does your mummy make cakes"
"She puts it all in a bowl, eggs and milk, then we get to lick the bowl and the spoon".
From this I can only surmise that she makes cakes from scratch - I can't do that! The last time I made a cake it was a pudding shaped disaster.
So if anyone can suggest a good cake recipe/cheat sheet please direct it this way.