
16th to 16th

Brussels Sprouts - Healthy and Delicious!

Four weeks and a bit til the big day!

Last minute preparations are busily coming together, anxiety dreams are being had, Brussels sprouts are a LARGE part of my daily diet and the wedding day timeline is forming under the iron clad fist of my dormant stage manager skills.

Two interesting side effects have arisen during this time. One, I cannot make a decision without at least a full day of deliberation and the advice of at least eight people which is alien to snap judgement Ladycracker and secondly, we are as poor as church mice.

We are doing this whole thing on the sort of budget that would get us into the the "quirky" section of the glossy wedding mags. not that this matters to me, I'm down to earth, I don't require eight bridesmaids and metres of lace in order to feel that I'm properly marking the occasion. However, even the most simple items can run into thousands. So for all those brides out there who need oxygen after even opening a bridal magazine here is a list of ways that we have found to cut corners.

1. Have your ceremony and reception after lunch. Those pesky guests should have already stuffed themselves so you won't need to supply as much food.

2. Feed them some nice wine to start but move on to the cheaper after round three. They will be pissed and won't notice.

3. Lose the bridesmaids and groomsman. I only have a witness and it makes for hassle free organisation

4. Get you gift registry at a travel agent and get you guests to pay for your honeymoon rather than receiving stuff for the house that you won't use.

5. Never tell a florist that you need flowers for a wedding. Say it is a for your mother's sixtieth and the price will improve.

6. Try on your corsetry in a lovely shop lingerie shop for instance, get your sizing and get what you want for a 1/4 of the price on Ebay. Exactly the same style and brand mind you. I feel a little bad for actually doing this but hey what can I say? I'm a cheap ass broide.

7. Bonbonniere is a ridiculous wedding industry fabrication. Lose it and save yourself some time and effort. Unless you do something cool like a mixed CD like two of my mates did.

So there you have some very easy ways to save a few pennies. All our saved cash is going toward more booze and food for the guests because even though MLI and I will be having a blast, I want our guests to have a great time as well and if that means getting them boozed up and stuffed to the gills with gourmet BBQ then so be it.