

My mood has improved somewhat with the health calamities calming down to slightly disfigured and disgruntled only. The suspected psychic wounds of Saturday are only surface scratches and while I can't do much to change the problems of my sister in law, I can at least reach out to my brother and let him know how I feel.

So let's just carry on then shall we?

I've been struggling with posting my experiences here lately. The combinations of a busy work, home and social life, cash flow worries plus generally slightly grumpy feelings have left me uninspired. I'm going to try to improve this as I've always found my little quiet space very comforting. I have been most neglectful in writing anything of interest about the wedding/honeymoon period. I guess I should take advantage of the current Mercury retrograde period and post a retrospective of the last few months to pull me out of my slump.

Thank you to the persistent commmenters. I've been so slack in responding to your comments and I have no excuse except I feel so drained and disppointed in myself at the moment. When I feel like that I withdraw into a small place inside me and wait there until some equilibrium is restored. I can feel the warmth returning now.