
G is for Gym

Right, just for posterity, last night was my first gym session and I thik I scared the poor instructor.

Not because I turned up wearing this


but because I was so bloody uncoordinated and all excited about my two day debauch that I could barely concentrate. Also, dude, get a sense of humour - you need one if you are going to tell fat old broads like me they are doing well straight face.

Don't believe me? - well I fell off the swiss ball a few times trying to attempt the superman move and didn't experience one iota of embarrassment.

And when I the rowing machine I was saying "NLI oh NLI!" on each thrust and I think that might have freaked him a little. Isn't he supposed to be impressed when you clear motivation?
Anyway the flattie and I had much fun and in six weeks, mark my words I'm going to look like this.
