
more about the holiday

Could barely sleep last night thinking about my holiday.

Will promise myself to do the following things
1. Swim every day
2. Drink dandelion tea - not vodka
3. Have a facial
4. Take some sort of watersport lesson thingie
5. get a lttle bit brown and not worry about cancer

Off to the bank to discuss using equity and getting really on top of everything
even booking a holiday has cahnged my attitude positively!

Ona more negative note though, watched a film last night called My Life With Morrisey

utter crap! don't do it - doesn't feature one Smiths song and it is insulting to Smith's fans everywhere.

Since I am a member of the queer film selection committee for the Queer film Festival down here, I'm not adverse low budget films. I'm adverse to people making low budget films that are not original.

On Monday I saw one that was a direct homage to the Graduate and another that was a complete ripoff of every John Waters film.

It is so disappointing - no matter how many good things have come from Post modernism - it still has a lot to answer for!