
alas the weekend is over

yep it is back at work for another week

So the weekend was good ... what did I do?

Well let's see.... Movie on Friday night by myself which is my favourite way to go to movies. Saw I Heart Huckabees.
Funny and well shot as you would expect a David O movie to be, Jason Schwartzmann is great eyecandy - when are the women of the world going to get over this Jude Law thing? The rest so the cast were all great as well especially Mark Whalberg he plays dofus guys so well.

Normal Saturday moring rubbish and then a couple of games of scrabble and out for the night to eat Vietnamese and have a few drinks at the Vic.

Things started to get really messy inside me at the moment because I am only just starting to reintroduce myself to socialising with some on the mutual friends/casualties of my relationship with Ben. And since he has gone and hooked up with Nellie it makes me very uncomfortable to be around some people. Plus T, T and I had been discussing post breakup stuff that afternoon so it was all a bit fresh in my head. I mean were only apart for three weeks before he already had another girl, my sister, pregnant so they are a lot of emotions that swell and fade and I never really know when it is going to hit anymore.

Anyway get very drunk and a bit mouthy and eventually had to take myself home.

Went to Camberwell markets yesterday and bought these great hand puppets of two old ladies. One for me and one for T. Also got a Rich Pig, a vietnamese good luck piggy bank and have placed it in my career corner - here's hoping!

Went to the Nash yesterday afternoon and saw a band and then to the GB for some pool and pizza.

Full and apart from the glitch that was Saturday night - pain free!