

It is that time of the year again where I go away and hide in a small dark room for ten days and look at my handiwork.

As part of the selection committee for MQFF which started last night in Melbourne I get to see about half an hour of over 300 films, choose the best and then wait in anticipation for the whole shebang in March.

This year my highest recommendation is
Love in Thoughts a German drama from 2004. It features absinthe parties, lust, betrayal and a good dose of eye candy.

The opening night was last night and as always I have a really good time. The food is good, the drinks flow and this year was much less crowded than last year. The opening film D.E.B.S.
is hilarious! Had so much fun with it and the cast were these four hot girls in tiny little school uniforms who are spies for the US government. CAMP with a capital C! Woo Hoo!

No matter what your sexual preference there is heaps to see at this festival. So if anyone is into films with twist you should check it out.